Saturday, 28 April 2012

In Car Camera / Dashboard Camera from China - Helps with accidents

Hi guys,

Another item I totally forgot about I ordered from China last year was my in car camera which I take everywhere with me when driving. The reason I bought it was because me and my brother where coming home from work one day and stopped at a set of traffic lights. There were two lanes, we were on the inside lane and on the right there was a large canvas lorry towing another canvas trailer behind it. As the lights turned from red to green, the lorry driver took off fairly quickly and as I began to move the lorry's trailer swayed to the left as he turned the slight bend in front of us to continue going down the road.

The trailer slammed onto the front driver side door and front panel of my car and tore the front bumper as well off. All in all it cost £800 to fix and luckily for us the guy fixed the car out of his own pocket because he owned his own company and fleet of lorries. However some people I have talked to haven't been so lucky. Especially when theres an accident, you take peoples details down etc and make sure they aren't hurt, get them to sign a piece of paper saying they are not injured and what happened etc. However as one of my friends found out, this does not stand up in court the piece of paper. This is because when for instance someone suffers from whiplash for example, signing the paper there and then at the scene and time of the accident means nothing, becaused the onset of whiplash usually takes a few hours up to 24 hours to kick in.

These cameras which nearly every car should have as well as taxis, delivery men, lorries, diggers, buses, motorbikes....even cyclists or any vehicle on the road should be equipped with what i like to call a "Black Box". This means in a court of law it would help to show exactly what happened or give at least some indication of who done what or what went wrong in an accident.

It should also help sort out insurance claims much much faster, as the insurer can do their own investigation with the police into the crash and confirm your statements and the other victims statements, comparing them to video evidence you can send them in the post or email to the claims handler.

Of course not all crashes can be caught on camera if you only have a forward looking one and someone rams into the back of you, but it does record sound as well and the time, date etc of when it happened to witnesses statements can be backed up by what happened. I have included a video I uploaded from my camera to show you the quality you can get from such cameras from China. One mistake I made in this video is that I did put the camera very close to the air vents coming from the dashboard and had them open. This is what makes the annoying noise in the video as the camera microphone is like a pinhole and when the air flows directly into it it can produce a lot of static.

Check it out for yourself and let me know what you think. The camera I used does have night vision as well but I didn't test it out as I don't drive much at night.

Here is a small selection of cameras available on Amazon that are the same model or very near to the specs of the one I tested out and are very cheap:




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